Learn from Dasha Pears

Dear fellow photographer, if you’re mesmerized by my art and want to learn from me this is the page for you. During my career, I’ve conducted about 8 online courses and around 10 on-site group photography workshops, as well as dozens of private photography lessons. My goal was not simply to teach people how to shoot surreal portraits but to learn to think creatively, express themselves, and tell powerful visual stories with simple materials that can be found at hand, just like I do. This page contains all the learning materials that I’m happy to share with you for free + it links to two online courses: a high-quality professionally produced online course “Photocomposition for Fine Art Photography“by Domestika which is really inexpensive (prices vary depending on your location and current platform’s offers) and a course that I’ve developed and produced myself, called “The Art of Visual Storytelling”, which is available for free for one month with my promo link. All the downloadable e-books are free for you to enjoy and learn from. No strings attached. I hope you’ll put my tips to good use!

Dasha Pears

Online Photography & Storytelling Cources

Unleash Your Inner Artist - Domestika

Learn how to create surreal minimalistic portraits that capture the essence of your inner world.

Take your editing skills to the next level with Dasha's expert guidance on using Lightroom and Photoshop to give your photos a surrealist spin.

The Art of Visual Storytelling - Skillshare

There’s no way you can steal, copy or create something similar to what other people create if you connect your inspirations with your personality, interests, pains, and joys of your past and your core values. This online course gives you the tools and structure on how to do it. Suitable not just for photographers, but any type of visual artist.

Free Learning Resources